Sunday, July 4, 2010

Samsung 8GB SDHC PLUS High Speed Class 6 memory card

Buy Cheap Samsung 8GB SDHC PLUS High Speed Class 6 memory card

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Customer Buzz
 "Great quality and great value" 2010-06-25
By Matt C (UK)
This is a great buy and supports all my camera can throw at it (avchd-motion jpeg etc), only time will tell is it's reliable but for now it's highly recommended from me.

I originality purchased a lexar card with my camera for the same price as this one at half the capacity, half the write speed and the housing is nowhere near as nice a finish - the rubber case this one comes with is a bonus also

Customer Buzz
 "Superb Product - Exactly what I expected" 2010-04-14
By Gundog (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)
This is a fantastic memory card. Its robust in every way, and very fast. I use it for Photography with a Nikon D300s Camera, and i've never had any speed issues, even shooting in RAW.

It comes with a square rubber surround which attaches to a small string. - You might this this is a gimmick, but within a camera bag pocket its quite handy, as it keeps the memory card secure and doesnt slip around due to the rubber. Its very easy to eject the card from the rubber surround.

I have 2 of these and have been very impressed with the quality and performance.

I'm going on Safari later this year, and 8GB is just the right size to have enough room for a day's photographs, but not too much that if lost you've lost the whole trip (though losing just one would be gutting!).

I'm so impressed i'll be ordering another 6 for my holiday!

Customer Buzz
 "Smooth and sophisticated" 2010-03-01
By Paul Madge (West Sussex UK)
I bought this card because of its durability - you can see that it is more strongly engineered than an average SD card and this is underwritten by the warranty from Samsung. However, a blistering transfer rate and high quality aesthetics are also a by-product of the purchase - it looks and feels different to lesser cards. Additionally, there is delightfully ingenious "quick release" rubber holder supplied which is unlike anything I've seen before. In summary, recommended on the basis of form and function.

Customer Buzz
 "5 Star Storage" 2010-02-26
By J. Kelly
It may be hard to get excited over an SD card but, if you were going to, this would be the card that made you giddy. It's suitable for both cameras and camcorders with a generous 8 GB of storage, and it's fast; moving files is quick but, crucially, so is saving them. It halves the time my camera takes to save a photo, meaning I have twice the time to take more snaps.

And it's rugged, too. This is a premium bit of kit, waterproof and shockproof. Nearly every other SD card on the market would sna like kindling if you trod on it, but this card barely notices. It's the sort of feature you hope you'll never have to put to the test, but it's very reassuring to know they're there, just in case.

I used to buy the cheapest SD cards I could, thinking they'd all be pretty much the same. But I'm a convert now. It's Samsng SD PLUS all the way for me!

Customer Buzz
 "Exactly what it says on the tin" 2010-02-25
By zenadox
This is a solid card, tested waterproof and shockproof when my bag burst open in the recent heavy rain, straight into the biggest puddle for miles (sod's law). My papers and phone were ruined but the card survived intact.

This is the fastest card I've ever owned, even for music and photos.

I recommend this highly.

Images Product

Buy Samsung 8GB SDHC PLUS High Speed Class 6 memory card Now

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